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The film adaptation is directed by Catherine Hardwicke, the production designer turned director responsible for Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown and The Nativity Story. The story follows Seventeen-year-old Isabella Swan (Kristen Stewart), who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and finds herself drawn to a mysterious classmate named Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), who is revealed to be a one-hundred-year old vampire. He tries to push her away, but they soon fall in love. When the arrival of another coven of vampires puts Bella in danger, Edward and his family band together to save her before she is killed.
Bella Swan
Isabella “Bella” Marie is the daughter of Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer. Charlie and Renee were married at a very young age, and Bella was born soon after. After some time they divorced and Bella moved to Phoenix, Arizona with her mother. Bella’s mother eventually married a baseball player named Phil, and this made Bella feel like she was holding her mother back from living a good life. So she decided to move back to Forks, Washington with her father. Once she gets to Forks she meets and falls deeply in love with the a boy named Edward Cullen. She soon finds out that Edwards and his family are vampires but decides to stay with him where they continue to fall deeper for each other. Bella seems to constantly attract problems and disasters wherever she goes, but Edward is always there to save her life. She asks Edward to make her a Vampire on numerous occasions but he always denies her.
Edward Cullen
Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is the human son of Elizabeth and Edward Masen born on June 20, 1901 and died in 1918. Edward suffered from the Spanish Influenza when he was 17 years old. The only one who could save him was a mysterious young doctor named Carlisle Cullen. The only way to keep Edward alive was to transform him into a vampire. Both of Edward’s parents had eventually died from the Influenza pandemic. He was reborn and currently lives in Forks, Washington with his adoptive vampire family. His new parents Esme and Carlisle, and siblings Alice Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale and Jasper Hale. One day Edward fell deeply in love with a human girl named Bella Swan. In the beginning he was attracted to the unique smell of her blood. The eventual consequence was Edwards inner beast coming out which nearly destroyed him and also everything that he and his family had worked so hard to keep. Edward’s fascination for Bella, soon turns into deep love. Bella always seemed to be getting into a danger and Edward ends up saving her from being hit by a car and then from four strange men. After these events Edward eventually finds himself unable to stay away from her and begins showing her his vampire “powers” and introducing her to his family. Edward has the ability to hear people’s thoughts, but for some reason he can’t seem to hear Bella’s. He hates the fact that Bella wants to become a vampire, and always refuses to make her one when she asks.
Dr.Carlisle Cullen
Dr. Carlisle Cullen is a Vampire who is seen as a father figure to the Cullen family. He was born in the 1640’s and lead an attack on a group of Vampires. He crossed paths with one vampire and ended up getting bitten and turned into one himself. Carlisle hated being a vampire and tried to kill himself in many different ways and obviously failed every time. He became desperate and tried saving himself when he crossed paths with wild animals which he attacked. Carlisle discovered that he could survive off of animal blood instead of humans. Carlisle works in Forks hospital and no longer has a flavor for human blood. One day in the Early 1900s, he came across a teenager suffering from influenza and decided to save him because of his begging mother. So he stole him and turned him in to a vampire which started his Cullen family. Carlisle now married to Esme, and has five adopted children Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper.
Esme Cullen
Esme Cullen is Carlisle’s wife and was once a human as well. Carlisle turned her after she attempted to commit suicide due to her sons death from a lung infection. She is the second person Carlisle turned and is a very loving person. She accepts Bella right away and is grateful for her being there for Edward. She is the adoptive mother to Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett.
Rosalie Hale
Played By Nikki Reed
Rosalie Hale was born into a middle class family in 1915, she had two brothers and was the favorite of the three children. When she was 18 the Great Depression struck, but her father had a stable job at a bank. Rosalie was very lustful and longed for many material possessions and a rich fulfilled life. The richest people in the town she lived in were the Kings. Royce King owned the bank Roslaie’s father worked for. She began dating Royce II and was soon engaged to him. But something was missing, she began to want more from the relationship, like her friend Vera, who had a middle class husband but loved very much along with a child. One night she was on her way home from Vera’s she saw several drunken men. One turned out be Royce and he began showing her off to his friends, he ripped pins from her hair and the men joined in and proceeded to beat and then raped her. She was left to die when Carlisle found her, and chose to save her by changing her. Soon after she killed Royce and his pals without spilling a drop of blood. Two years later she saw Emmett being attacked by a bear and took him back to Carlisle. She begged him to save Emmett, who reminded her of Vera’s child. Soon after they were married. Rosalie and Emmett currently reside in Forks, Washington, but they often live away from the family as a married couple.
Emmett Cullen
Emmett McCarty was born in 1915 and died and reborn in 1935. He was turned by Carlisle after being discovered by his future wife Rosalie. He was attacked by a grizzly bear and was dying. He was adopted into the Cullen family and is now married to Rosalie Hale. Emmet is said to be very tall standing at 6′5”, muscular, very intimidating, and has curly brown hair.
Jasper Hale
Jasper Whitlock also known as Jasper Hale to non-family was born in 1844. He was involved in the Civil War on the Confederate side at the age of 17, but he lied and said he was 20. He was quickly promoted to a Major and served during the 1st Battle of Galveston. While evacuating women and children he saw three women who turned out to be vampires (Nettie, Maria and Lucy). They decided that he would be a perfect member for their vampire army.
He was bitten and trained to kill other newborn vampires and found out the southern vampire world was at war, and were arguing over human hunting grounds. Jasper realized he had the ability to manipulate peoples emotions. The newborn vampires he created with Maria would have to be killed before becoming a year old, due to the fact that they wouldn’t be able to be used as soldiers. Maria always made Jasper do the killing which made him depressed. After a few years he came across a newborn that was strong, his name was Peter. Peters job was to help Jasper dispose of the other children. Peter came across a newborn named Charlotte, whom he fell in love with. Jasper was attached and couldn’t kill Peter so he let them go. One day Peter and Charlotte came back and told Jasper of the life they had, so Jasper went with them to live as nomads. But after feeding he would become depressed once again and eventually left. One day he crosses paths with a woman vampire named Alice Brandon. She told him of their future with the Cullens and he once again had hope. Now Jasper is married with Alice and lives with the Cullens in Forks. He still has trouble with the vegetarian diet his family has mostly because he fed whenever he wanted during the wars. He also has bite scars shaped like moons all over his body because of all the newborns biting him.
Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen was born Mary Alice Brandon and is the adoptive sister of Edward Cullen. She is a petite girl standing at 4′10, but has a very bubbly, witty personality and has short black hair. When Alice was changed she awoke not remembering anything about her human past. Later it is revealed that she was born around 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi and was kept in an insane asylum because she had spontaneous premonitions. Alice was changed by an old vampire who worked in the asylum in order to protect her from a dangerous tracker vampire named James. After being changed her power of foresight became even stronger. She began having visions of a vampire named Jasper who was seeking a more meaningful existence. She finally meets Jasper at a diner, and she asked him to come with her. He was confused but realized she could be his chance for a better future. They began traveling and fell in love, in the 1950’s they found Carlisle due to her visions, and are now apart of the Cullen family.
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